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St Ives

Overlooking St Ives. A view of the beach at St Ives. The beach at St Ives. In the town of St Ives.

The Cogar Family:

The family of a tailor.  

The Quick Family:

One branch of an extended Quick family who moved into St Ives.

The Stephens Family:

Many of this list are connected to a soldier, Abraham, whose service took him far from England.

Abraham STEPHENS,   1780

Eliza Jane STEPHENS,   Abt 1838

Henry STEPHENS,   1769

James STEPHENS,   1780

James STEPHENS,   Abt Nov 1840

John STEPHENS,   1773

John STEPHENS,   Abt 1837

Mary STEPHENS,   1784

Mary STEPHENS,   Abt 1836

Matthew STEPHENS,   1791

Philip H STEPHENS,   Abt 1847

Samuel STEPHENS,   1782

Thomas STEPHENS,   1774

William STEPHENS,   1771

William STEPHENS,   Abt 1844

William Thomas STEPHENS,   1803

Abraham COGAR,  1746

Alice COGAR,   1701

Ann COGAR,   1699

Ann COGAR,   1744

Avis COGAR,   1689

Eleanor COGAR,   1713

Elizabeth COGAR,   1709

Hugh COGAR,   1686

James COGAR,   1740

Jane COGAR,   1697

Jane COGAR,   1749

John COGAR,   1708

John COGAR,   1737

Stephen COGAR,   1684

Thomas COGAR,   1705

Thomas COGAR,   1742

William COGAR,   1655

William COGAR,   1688

William COGAR,   1734

William COGAR,   1735

William COGAR,   Abt 1703

Ann QUICK,  1739

Israel QUICK,   1747

James QUICK,   1733

Jane QUICK,   1742

Mary QUICK,   1735

Paul QUICK,   1744

Robert QUICK,   1751

Robert QUICK,   1796

Cornwall Counties Contact

A town and port, St Ives is now a popular seaside resort.

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